All posts by Blaizo

Earl Month 2018

Another year, another message. I decided Billy Joel was going to be my next victim for a song parody. Classic songwriting from an era that I fully appreciated and still do! So put away your worries and take a listen to some music that will hopefully put you in good spirits. If you appreciate life, then stay just the way you are!

Happy Earl Month to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Earl Month 2017

Greetings All, I’ve got a new one for you. Life is still as interesting as ever, foolishness abound.      I started writing it in 2015, recorded most of it in Earl Month 2016 and finished it up July 2017.   It wasn’t easy finding a decent instrumental of Stairway, however you should be entertained. Listen up and don’t forget to leave a comment…how else would I know if anyone gives a crap? Enjoy!

Earl Month 2016

I was on a hiatus for a while. There wasn’t much inspiration for me in the universe. Fortunately, I managed to find some. So…I’m BAAAACK! The Black Panther movie is coming out next year, but there was a panther that was out many years ago and he was much pinker. I decided to shine some light on this character with this latest voicemail message with a little help from Celina! Besides…what instrumental couldn’t use some Earl Month magic??? Enjoy!

Earl Month 2014

Welcome to Earl Month once again. I wish I could say I had the time to work on a new message. I have not. Some folks enjoy my messages. I have been told of its therapeutic properties. However, mixing music for the last five weeks haven’t been for my own benefit. I don’t know if my my sacrifices for the work I’ve done will be appreciated or not. However, my goal to finish the long term + short term projects of others are coming to a close. My work is not done yet, but it will be. For a new chapter to start, another must be closed. Well, enjoy Earl Month. It’s thirty days long, use them wisely.


Earl Month 2013

Apologies to Frank Sinatra…I had to do it!

Welcome to Earl Month 2013, I had help from Jevon ‘NJ’ Frank to locate the music for this particular adventure into foolishness.

It’s a damn shame that we’ve been forced to limit digital voice messages to 30-60 seconds, but here’s my 3:22 message in it’s full glory…free from the bondage-like limitations of modern voicemail technology. 

So please leave a comment, tell a friend, and don’t front….you know you want to be a part of it…It’s Earl Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

April Showers

Howdy humans. EB here just letting you know I’ve written the lyrics for the new message and I’m looking for an instrumental of the song I’ve chosen.

I’m thinking about shooting a video for this one, which would be interesting to say the least.

Well, that’s it for now…take it light!

There’s always next year

I would sometimes wait until just before Earl Month to work on the idea for the message. I’ve already been working on the lyrics for the 2013 message.

I won’t reveal what it is (what kind of surprise would it be if I told you?). It may change anyway…11 months is a little while yet.

Ok, humans + aliens, continue your journey through the cosmos.

And as long a there’s an Earl Month…let it be.

Earl Month 2012-the first space-station broadcast

Greetings Earthlings, ahhhhh! Vanglorious! This is protected by the lunar, the solar and the celestial……with a key! Sissieeeeeeeeeees!

The mind-probe of Matthew-King Yarde is finally complete and he has finished the code. With his help, a new era of communication has dawned upon the world of carbon and silicone based life-forms.

These outgoing voicemail messages were created every September and lived first on cassette answering machines, next to a digital answering service and finally to a temporary web page.

Now they exist in their new cyber-spatial home.

September 17th, what better day to launch the site than the day when Earl first entered into the Earth’s atmosphere?

So, check the music player and  listen to the Earl month messages.

Oh, by the way…Welcome to Earl Month…doesn’t the world seem a little better already?